Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Review

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Review
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Community Page Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is "Treyarch"s second installment to the Black Ops franchise, released on November 13th, 2012. In this COD game it takes you to the year 2025, making this the first game to take you to the future, with all new never before seen weapons, technology, and scenery. Gameplay As you all know COD has always been a FPS game, from letting you aim directly at your targets (with a hint of aim assist), to going prone while camping at your favorite sniping spot, or 'Dolphin Diving' your way out of a explosive situations, and even letting you run-and-gun your way into an enemy spawn with your golden shotgun. The button layout is still the same with it's usual buttons for an FPS game. Black Ops 2 also has it's way of letting players kill an enemy anyway they want, either using your SMG to let it rip in close quarters, to leaving a bouncing betty at the doorway waiting for an enemy to pass by. Their is also Customization for your weapons, in multiplayer you start with default classes of different types of weapons, and as you rank up you unlock different weapons, perks, tacticals, grenades, and killstreaks. After you unlock weapons and use them, your weapon also ranks up, giving you new attachments to add on to your weapon. The only issue with the weapons is that they are un-balanced. The stats for a weapon that you start with can be better than a weapon you unlocked later on, for example everyone in the game is angered at the fact that a Shotgun (like the KSG) can manage to kill from a somewhat far range with only one or two shots, while an assault rifle can't compare. The same way how an enemy can manage to win a gun fight with a pistol (like the TAC) while you have an SMG. But that is one thing that was never fixed since the launch. But a good system that was added for the multiplayer was letting players earn their killstreaks with points instead of kills. It would be easier for a player to get a killstreak by getting the points off of a kill, picking up a dog tag, or even by asissting their teammates with a UAV. First DLC weapon "The Peacekeeper" Presentation A cool new feature to the main menu is that it lets you setup to what exact menu you want to start on when the game loads, either the Campaign Menu, Multiplayer menu, or the Zombies menu. So it makes it a faster way for you to join your friends in a lobby before the match starts. An all new feel to the game scenery was the fact that you are in the future, so there was alot of different views of the enviornment. Like the maps had different fields to it depending on the tactics that had to…

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Gameplay - 7.5
Presentation - 8
Story - 5
LifeSpan - 8


If you never played the first Black Ops game, and your planning to just play it for the story, I suggest you do play it unless you want to be confused while playing the story, because their will be parts that take you to the past.

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Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Community Page

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is “Treyarch“s second installment to the Black Ops franchise, released on November 13th, 2012. In this COD game it takes you to the year 2025, making this the first game to take you to the future, with all new never before seen weapons, technology, and scenery.


As you all know COD has always been a FPS game, from letting you aim directly at your targets (with a hint of aim assist), to going prone while camping at your favorite sniping spot, or ‘Dolphin Diving’ your way out of a explosive situations, and even letting you run-and-gun your way into an enemy spawn with your golden shotgun.

The button layout is still the same with it’s usual buttons for an FPS game. Black Ops 2 also has it’s way of letting players kill an enemy anyway they want, either using your SMG to let it rip in close quarters, to leaving a bouncing betty at the doorway waiting for an enemy to pass by.

Their is also Customization for your weapons, in multiplayer you start with default classes of different types of weapons, and as you rank up you unlock different weapons, perks, tacticals, grenades, and killstreaks. After you unlock weapons and use them, your weapon also ranks up, giving you new attachments to add on to your weapon. The only issue with the weapons is that they are un-balanced. The stats for a weapon that you start with can be better than a weapon you unlocked later on, for example everyone in the game is angered at the fact that a Shotgun (like the KSG) can manage to kill from a somewhat far range with only one or two shots, while an assault rifle can’t compare. The same way how an enemy can manage to win a gun fight with a pistol (like the TAC) while you have an SMG. But that is one thing that was never fixed since the launch.

But a good system that was added for the multiplayer was letting players earn their killstreaks with points instead of kills. It would be easier for a player to get a killstreak by getting the points off of a kill, picking up a dog tag, or even by asissting their teammates with a UAV.

First DLC weapon “The Peacekeeper”


A cool new feature to the main menu is that it lets you setup to what exact menu you want to start on when the game loads, either the Campaign Menu, Multiplayer menu, or the Zombies menu. So it makes it a faster way for you to join your friends in a lobby before the match starts.

An all new feel to the game scenery was the fact that you are in the future, so there was alot of different views of the enviornment. Like the maps had different fields to it depending on the tactics that had to be used, one map could be a Close-quarter map making players want to use either their SMG’s or Shotguns, Or even a open concert theater that gives a mid-range and long-range view letting players use Sniper or Assault Rifles.

Also the HUD for the game is much more accurate then ever, it gave a better view of your mini map, giving you an exact look on where your enemy is, or where exactly the killstreak of an enemy is placed at. As well as the showing of your Killstreaks, you can see the exact picture of what killstreak you have and you can pick which one to use first. and the Game match points are at a good corner where you can quickly look before you decide if you want last kill.


Now this is one of the first COD games that I personally didn’t like the story. The fact is, that it didn’t meet as much excitement as the first Black Ops did, the first few missions are alright in a way because it tells you what is going on, then throughout the middle it gets a bit boring and it feels like it’s repeating itself, but then it gets good at the ending, but its ends !!! But one thing that is a bit wrong is that it feels like the story just wants you to start from point A and just go to point B and you’re done.

Besides that, in this game the main character is David Mason ( Son of Alex Mason from the first) who leads the U.S Special Forces with his partner Mike Harper to find the main villan Raul Menendez who has vital information that you need. So you go through a past if stories that other characters have gone through to get this arch villan since the late 80s.


Knowing that COD games usually have Campaign and Multiplayer, Mulitplayer is where all the hype is for Black Ops 2. There are different Game modes on Multiplayer like Team Deathmatch, Free-for-All, Search and Destroy, Capture the Flag, Hardpoint, etc. But another good mode to play with your buddies is Zombies, letting you survive different rounds of zombies while trying to uncover a story that is left behind for the players on each map. A good way that “Treyarch” keeps the multiplayer alive was adding 4 DLC packs for new maps online and a new map/story for Zombies.

I love games so much that I dedicate some of my time to write about them. That just says it all doesn't it.