Dark Summoner Highest Grossing App On Google Play

Dark Summoner Highest Grossing App On Google Play

Ateam Inc. announced that Dark Summoner took the number 1 spot on Google Play’s “Top Grossing Apps” list in the United States. Not only is it a widely popular game, but it’s also critically a very good game as well.

On February 24th, Dark Summoner was first released as an iOS game and it took off. In the Japanese App Store it reached the top of the charts. In the States, it did really well as well topping out as the number 9 highest grossing app in the U.S. App Store.

So, when the game was released as an Android title, people were excited. On July 18th, it launched, and Android users haven’t been disappointed. Once again, Dark Summoner has been critically well received, and it has sold really well. Since it’s release on July 18th, it’s been steadily climbing the charts, until now, finally, it has hit the top of the charts.

Ateam Inc. thanks the legions of mobile gamers who took up arms and jumped on board with Dark Summoner, as well as the many who offered us game feedback that proved invaluable to refining the Dark Summoner experience and making it one of the best mobile games available in the mobile arena today

For those that haven’t bought Dark Summoner yet, or haven’t heard about it and are intrigued by it, it’s an engrossing, dark-fantasy, RPG, type game. Every player’s goal is to create a powerful monster army, complete game missions, defeat Dark Lords, and join Guilds with other users in order to collaborate, trade, and do battle against each other. Every good RPG has a lot of monsters and this has it. Dark Summoner has over 1,000 unique monsters which were designed by famous artists from all over the world, in Japan, in North America, in Europe.

If you are looking for a game on your handheld device, you can’t go wrong with Dark Summoner. A very popular, critically acclaimed game.