Unity Technologies Does BlackBerry

Unity Technologies Does BlackBerry

BlackBerry and Unity Technologies are working together to bring new games to the BlackBerry 10 smartphone. I remember when BlackBerry used to be the latest and greatest phone for businessmen. Prepare thy selves BlackBerry owners.

Having over 1.5 million developers working for Unity, BlackBerry is welcome to have them on their team. This alliance will be featured as an add on to BlackBerry devices when they run the BlackBerry 10 OS. CEO of Unity Technologies, David Helgason, sees this merge as a great opportunity for both Unity and BlackBerry saying,

“Unity developers have an extensive catalogue of incredible mobile games, many of which are award-winning. We’re excited to offer Unity developers easy access to the new powerful and rich BlackBerry 10 platform,We’re eager to provide them with another exciting avenue to have their games devoured by an audience hungry for entertainment.”


Developers will meet in both Europe and North America to test out the features and work on improving and enhancing them in order to be ready to ship out to public BlackBerry 10 smartphones and Blackberry Playbook tablets. Developers attending the testing ground will be given Unity Pro and BlackBerry 10 smartphones as a thank you to their assistance. I for one have always found BlackBerry to be a very interesting phone and would not mind owning one myself, it’s a shame I am not technologically savvy enough to create games.


BlackBerry vice president, Alec Saunders, is also very pleased with the merge and believes that one of the driving forces behind any mobile device is their gaming ability. He went on to say,

“We are thrilled to work with Unity and to propel the momentum we are seeing in games on BlackBerry even further. Soon Unity developers will be able to use this deployment tool to quickly and easily offer their games to BlackBerry customers.”

So if you are a sophisticated person who owns a BlackBerry, be on the lookout for the Unity gaming add-on this summer.

Aspiring video game journalist, loves long walks through Wal-Mart, Mountain Dew, time traveling, and bow ties. Spends all of his free time reading about video games or playing them. Has been dominating games since 93.