Zombie Driver HD: Apocalypse Pack on XBLA

Zombie Driver HD: Apocalypse Pack on XBLA

There are many ways to stop the threat of a zombie attack, but the new update called Apocalypse Pack for Zombie Driver HD let’s you do it with fast cars, guns and explosions.

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The new update fixes screen tearing issues that some people have been experiencing and improves frame rate which makes squashing zombies super smooth. The patch also fixes a number of smaller issues.

The pack also includes two awesome cars that will be playable in all game modes, plus an extra Slaughter Mode map called the military Base.

EXOR Studios pulled the two cars from their earlier project; D.I.P.R.I.P, which was a multiplayer car combat game released in 2008. The first car is a monster truck called the Chaos 126p. It is quick, nimble and handles incredibly well in tight corners.

Zombie Driver HD

The second is a gigantic custom made truck fit with jet engine exhausts and is called the Auroch. The beast will ram anything in the way and is also fitted with nitro and has the ability to carry 10 passengers in the Story Mode.

The Military Base Slaughter mode map in Zombie Driver HD is one of the larger levers in the game and is based inside of an abandoned army depot. The base is big enough to maneuver the vehicles around with precision and work up combo points by doing donuts and bashing zombie brains into the pavement.

Zombie Driver HD takes place in a city infested by thousands of zombies. Your goal is to use your beast of a machine to rescue survivors from the brain eating monsters. It includes boss battles with giant mutated zombies, time trials, and 13 different cars built for killing and causing destruction.

The Zombie Driver HD: Apocalypse Pack is available now on the Xbox Live Arcade for 240 Microsoft points.

Aspiring video game journalist, loves long walks through Wal-Mart, Mountain Dew, time traveling, and bow ties. Spends all of his free time reading about video games or playing them. Has been dominating games since 93.