New Rhythm Paradise (Rhythm Heaven) game coming to Wii

New Rhythm Paradise (Rhythm Heaven) game coming to Wii

Do you remember that querky DS game Rhythm Paradise , which involved touching/flicking the screen in beat to the music queues/animations on screen?

Well, be prepared to now master the genre of game on the Wii. In the UK and the rest of Europe, we have known the game as Rhythm Heaven, unlike the US which called it Rhythm Paradise.

This new game however in the UK is called Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, and in the US is being known as Rhythm Heaven Fever…

Confusion aside, the game is bound to be fun for all the family.

The concept couldn’t be simpler; You simply listen for sound queues, and press either the A, or A/B buttons simultaniously on the Wiimote to the beat of the music playing. The visuals will try to distract you, but part of the fun of Rhythm Heaven was the on screen action with amazingly designed characters and funny animations. This game will be no different.

Do not let the concept fool you though, as the game is challenging. You may have to play through a game many times to perfect it. If however you are struggling with a particular game, their will be a new option which will allow you to check how that particular game is meant to be played, via an autoplay type feature.


The game will have 50 new rhythm games to work through, each offering a different musical rhythm to master, and not just alone! Co-op will feature, so bring along a friend too! If you feel like trying to beat rather than work with your friend, you can play in a dual mode called ‘Endless Dual’. Each game will get steadily harder until one of you is crowned the winner.

If you get bored of one sound track, you can also change the sound track from the English, to the Japanese version, which I think is a great feature to be included, and is exclusive to the European release.


The game will be released in the UK on the 6th July so make sure to check it out.


As well as writing/proof reading for the site, I dabble in 3D modeling and music making.