Dark a Stealth-Action Title Now Available Digitally for Windows PC

Dark a Stealth-Action Title Now Available Digitally for Windows PC

Kalypso Media is happy to announce their new stealth game that can be purchased for Windows PC now it is called Dark and has a vampire theme. In Dark you will explore a futuristic world where vampires have a large array of powers physical, magical and political. It is up to you to use your supernatural vampire stealth and combat powers to learn why you have been turned into a vampire and uncover a massive conspiracy involving an evil military (as they are always evil) and ancient vampires (as they are always ancient). Dark can be bought and download from Steam and other digital distribution (GOG is the best if you can get it from there) and will be released in UK on 5th July for Xbox 360.

download (3)

Dark is a stealth action game with RPG elements that lets become a hunter of the night, the thing of nightmare, unstoppable relentless and powerful, should it turn out to be like Twighlight I will do that again you will become pathetic and sparkly. Find your enemies hide in the shadows and when they least expect it kill them silently. The story of Dark will hopefully has twists and turns where friends will become enemies and vice versa and hunters will be hunted.

Thanks for reading.