Fuel Overdose
Gameplay - 9
Presentation - 7
Story/Creativity - 8
Lifespan - 8
Overall, Fuel Overdose earns its 8/10 for being a unique and quite possibly the best indie racing games I have ever played on PSN. I believe many will enjoy this game if they just give it a chance. Fuel Overdose is available on PS3 and PC if you would like to check it out yourself.
Fuel Overdose Community Page
I have always loved the type of games that you do not have to invest a huge amount of time in, but at the same time you can spend time in and it still be enjoyable. Fuel Overdose, I-Friqiya’s first game, is an amazing example of these types of games. One of my favorite unique features of this game is that while you are racing, you can use many different ways to try to take out your enemies! While of course this is not the only great feature this game provides, so let’s go on and talk about the rest!
The game features 5 different game modes, all of which bring something different to the table, plus an additional 8 characters that the player can choose from, each with its unique special move they can use during the game. Before each race you can also choose to customize, upgrade your car, or change the model of it. You can do this
with the currency the game uses called CC, which you can earn by completing challenges and winning some races. So lets go on and talk about the modes the game has to offer. The first mode, Free Race mode is exactly what the title implies, it is a single, or multiple, groups of races where whoever gets the most points wins the
races. Next up we have Championship mode, similar to Free Race, the player plays five pre-dertermined races and whoever has the most points at the end wins the Championship.
While playing Championship mode you can also unlock extra tracks and additional difficulty modes for you to play on. The third mode, story mode, is the center story around why the characters are racing, giving each character there own story, none two being the same.
Fuel Overdoes is quite possibly the best
indie racing games I have ever played on PSN
The main plot of the story is that a disease has broken out on Earth and different clans send in a racer to race for the chance to win a vaccine that will cure the disease, while the rest of the story is totally dependent on the character that you choose. The last, but not least game mode is Challenge mode. In this game mode the player is given a challenge that they have to complete in that race. Plus, the game includes multiplayer, so you can play all four of these game modes with your friends that have the game. Probably one of the more unique parts of this game is the different equipment that you can use to try to eliminate your enemy’s and push them back a few spots in the leaderboards. From a machine gun, to a rocket launcher, to putting mines in your enemy’s paths to delay their car a bit, plus while doing all this you can be using your grappling hook to swing around your enemy’s and gain a boost from it, the game has many
strategy’s that you can use to try to gain the advantage in your next race.
Like every great game, they also come with their disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that the maps can get very tight making all the cars jam together and take a few seconds to get out of this, this can happen multiple
times a race. The good thing is that this problem could easily be addressed in a DLC, only having to make the maps a tad bit wider. Another downside is that while each character has their own unique campaign, they never really correspond with each other. In one campaign a character might be very serious, while in the other they could be
very happy with the different story lines having nothing to do with each other. One character could be a villain in one characters story, but in his own he might be the hero. While this is not a huge problem, it would be easier to understand the characters if all the story lines tied together in some way, whether it be how they act, or just the
story’s relating a bit in general. Another small problems is that the vehicles can be very tough to control when they are airborne, making it almost impossible to turn back around after a enemy has flipped you with one of their mines. If you can get over these main problems though, the game is amazing and is a fun game to pick up if you just want to pass some time.